Forth Defences, Inchkeith, Anti Aircraft 3-inch Gun Emplacement And Up Mounting
Anti Aircraft Battery (Second World War)
Site Name Forth Defences, Inchkeith, Anti Aircraft 3-inch Gun Emplacement And Up Mounting
Classification Anti Aircraft Battery (Second World War)
Alternative Name(s) Forth Aa Defences
Canmore ID 271435
Site Number NT28SE 5.08
NGR NT 29376 82715
NGR Description NT 29376 82715 and NT 29370 82727
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Fife
- Parish Kinghorn
- Former Region Fife
- Former District Kirkcaldy
- Former County Fife
NT28SE 5.08 29376 82715 and 29370 82727
Two 3" anti-aircraft emplacements are shown on the War Office (WO), plan immediately N of the coast battery and they can be seen on an oblique aerial photograph taken during the war (RAF S309, 6961, flown October 1941).
Information from RCAHMS (DE) November 1997
NT28SE 5.08 29376 82715 and 29370 82727
For remaining UP emplacements see NT28SE 5.34
Two emplacements for 3-inch AA guns are situated immediately S of the water catchment area (NT28SE 5.27). The emplacements, ready use ammuntion lockers and command position are all built of brick with concrete roofs. One holdfast is mounted on a concrete plinth the other has been partially demolished and is only visible as a mark in the undergrowth.
The low roofed brick and concrete structures immediately NW are annotated as 'Old Command Post' on the WO plan of the Island (RCAHMS MS 879/83).
Between the structures at c.NT 29388 82721 is a circular concrete platform for a Unrotating Projectile launcher (UP mount).
Visited by RCAHMS (DE, AL), 25 February, 4th and 5th March 2009