Inverness, Holm Mains Farm
Cist(S) (Prehistoric), Linear Feature(S) (Prehistoric), Pit(S) (Prehistoric), Post Hole(S) (Prehistoric), Barbed And Tanged Arrowhead(S) (Prehistoric), Beaker(S) (Bronze Age), Plant Remains (Prehistoric), Unidentified Flint (Prehistoric), Unidentified Pottery (Bronze Age)
Site Name Inverness, Holm Mains Farm
Classification Cist(S) (Prehistoric), Linear Feature(S) (Prehistoric), Pit(S) (Prehistoric), Post Hole(S) (Prehistoric), Barbed And Tanged Arrowhead(S) (Prehistoric), Beaker(S) (Bronze Age), Plant Remains (Prehistoric), Unidentified Flint (Prehistoric), Unidentified Pottery (Bronze Age)
Canmore ID 268936
Site Number NH64SE 356
NGR NH 656 414
NGR Description NH c.656 414
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Inverness And Bona
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Inverness
- Former County Inverness-shire
NH64SE 356 c.656 414
NH 656 414 Two Early Bronze Age short cists and several outlying undated features were discovered unexpectedly on a construction site at Holm Mains Farm, and were subsequently excavated in May 2003. The larger of the two cists contained a male individual placed in a crouched position. Accompanying this burial were two barbed-and-tanged arrowheads, ten other lithic tools and fragments of a finely decorated Beaker pot.
The second cist was in a much poorer state of preservation, but contained an adult male accompanied by a single Beaker pot. Near the cists were several pits and ditches. However, these produced no artefacts to aid with dating and there was nothing to link these discoveries to the two cists.
Archive to be deposited in the NMRS.
Sponsor: Tulloch Homes Ltd.
G Brown 2003
Excavation (May 2003)
Headland Archaeology Ltd excavated two Early Bronze Age short cists and several outlying undated features discovered unexpectedly during topsoiling operations in advance of the second phase of a housing development being built by Tulloch Homes Ltd. at Holm Mains farm located to the south-west of Inverness.
The larger of the two cists contained a male individual placed in a crouched position. Accompanying this burial were two barbed and tanged arrowheads, ten other lithics tools and the fragments of a finely decorated beaker pot. The second cist was, by contrast, in a much poorer state of preservation but contained an adult male accompanied by a
single beaker pot. Outlying features comprised several pits and ditches, located near the to the cists but which produced no artefacts to aid with dating and there was nothing to link these discoveries to the two cists. The cists uncovered at Holm Mains are part of a group centred in the Culduthel area near the site of the Inverness Royal Academy and the present work provides a secure context through which to view the older discoveries.
Archaeological Evaluation (June 2009 - July 2009)
NH 656 414 and NH 675 422 A 5% evaluation was undertaken in June and July 2009 prior to development. Two areas of potential archaeological interest were uncovered. The first area was a probable old ground surface (OGS) and the other consisted of two areas of burning of unknown date and function. Two large trenches were opened over these areas to ascertain the extent, date and function of the features.
Trench 1, which was located over the burnt features, revealed palaeo-river channel deposits to the S and 13 features which included 5 postholes, 7 pits and a linear gully of unknown date. Two flint artefacts were also recovered. Trench 2 was excavated over the OGS. Again a probable palaeo-river channel was encountered as well as a series of 11 postholes, 8 pits, 2 linear features and 7 small areas of burning. One fragment of pot of probable prehistoric date and a fragment of flint were also recovered.
Archive: Highland Council SMR and RCAHMS (intended)
Funder: Highland Council
Maureen Kilpatrick – GUARD
Excavation (25 May 2010 - 17 June 2010)
NH 656 414 A watching brief and excavation were undertaken
25 May–17 June 2010 focusing on the ground surrounding
the two areas that were excavated in 2009 (DES 2009, 100).
A total of 24 features were recorded including 21 pits and 3
postholes, which were all fully excavated. Four pits contained
fragments of prehistoric pot, one of which has been dated to
the Late Bronze Age, while others contained burnt material
including charcoal fragments, hazelnut shells and bone.
Archive: Highland Council SMR and RCAHMS (intended)
Funder: The Highland Council
Watching Brief (19 December 2016 - 25 January 2017)
NH 65603 41349 A evaluation was carried out prior to a residential development on land 85m SE of Drumdevan Lodge. A watching brief was also carried out. The base of a pit was recorded and two further posthole bases and a hearth were noted and excavated during the subsequent watching brief. One posthole contained a flint blade.
Information from A. Cameron and R. Lenfert – Cameron Archaeology
(Source: DES, Volume 18)
OASIS ID: camerona1-302052