Sarah Margaret Shadel: Keiss, Sinclair's Bay, North Sea
Craft (19th Century)
Site Name Sarah Margaret Shadel: Keiss, Sinclair's Bay, North Sea
Classification Craft (19th Century)
Alternative Name(s) Keiss Bay; 'in The Keiss District'; Wick; Pentland Firth
Canmore ID 265851
Site Number ND36SE 8019
NGR Description Unlocated
- Council Highland
- Parish Maritime - Highland
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Maritime
- Former County Not Applicable
ND36SE 8019 unlocated
NLO: Keiss [name: ND 347 612]
Keiss Castle [name: ND 356 617]
Wick [name: ND 362 508]
Sinclair's Bay [name centred ND 37 56]
Pentland Firth [name centred ND 35 81].
Possibly on map sheets or ND36SW.
See also ND36SE 8020 and ND36SE 8021.
Glasgow, 3rd Nov., a telegram from Wick of last night states that large quantities of wreck and cargo, the latter chiefly of timber, continued to wash ashore, and that nine nameboards of vessels, most of them foreign, had been found along the coast a few miles from the Pentland firth: six nameboards and 300 battens and planks had been found in the Keiss district.
Source: Shipping Intelligence, LL, No. 19,200, London, Friday November 5 1875.
Glasgow, 3rd Nov., a later telegram from Wick says: further particulars of wreck washed ashore have been received. Two nameboards and a large quantity of drift timber have come ashore at Freswick, as well as a broke nameboard with the letters "MAI" remaining: also a board apparently broken from a sailor's chest, with the name "L.F.W. Gossett, Wismar" on it in ornamental cut letters: today part of a vessel's bulwark painted white and blue, and a nameboard painted white, with "SARAH MARGARET SHADEL" in green letters on a black ground, and an empty chest with the word "Wismar" on it, have been thrown up.
Source: Shipping Intelligence, LL, No. 19,200, London, Friday November 5 1875.
Wick, 3rd Nov., two boards about five feet long, each marked "ANTON-WICHARD", in gilt letters, six inches long, have come ashore at Keiss. When found, they were tied together, and had a piece of black cloth between them. A small board, with "L. J. W. GOSSEL, Wismar", cut on it in German letters, has also been picked up at the same place. A man's hand, having part [Record received incomplete].
NMRS, MS/829/70 (no. 4295).
The map sheet and quasi-administrative area assigned to this record are arbitrary, being derived from the reported location of discovery of wreckage. The vessel presumably foundered out at sea, possibly beyond Scottish waters.
Kiess or Keiss Bay is not noted as such on the 1999 edition of the OS 1:50,000 map.
The loss of this vessel is not cited by I G Whittaker (1998).
Information from RCAHMS (RJCM), 25 September 2004.