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Dundee, Princes Street, North Mill
Flax Mill (20th Century)
Site Name Dundee, Princes Street, North Mill
Classification Flax Mill (20th Century)
Alternative Name(s) Constable Street, St Roque's Mill; Dens Street, Dens Street Mill; Lower Dens Mills; Wallace Mill
Canmore ID 260412
Site Number NO43SW 925
NGR NO 40758 30813
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Dundee, City Of
- Parish Dundee (Dundee, City Of)
- Former Region Tayside
- Former District City Of Dundee
- Former County Angus
NO43SW 925 40758 30813
NO43SW 95 40751 30782 St Roque's Lane, Bell Mill
NO43SW 927 40779 30766 Constable Street, St Roque's Mill (Wallace Mill)
(Location cited as NO 408 309). Dens Jute Works. Upper Dens Mills consists of a four-storey and attic, 2- by 23-bay rubble building, dating from 1850, with a stair tower surmounted by a bellcote and urn finials, and more modern 3-storey and 3-storey and attic ranges. Lower Dens is a 5-storey and attic, 4- by 5-bay block, with a cast-iron bellcote, built 1865-6 by engineer P Carmichael. Lower Dens is of fireproof jack arch construction with Gothic cast-iron roof-trusses.
J R Hume 1977.
Dundee, Princes Street, Dens Works.
Lower Dens Works: North Mill
Bell Mill
Dens Mill (Dens Street)
St Roques Mill (Constable Street)
Dundee, Princes Street, Lower Dens Works, Seagate Warehouse.
Architect: Johnston & Baxter c.1871.
Dundee, Princes Street, Dens Works, Nursery.
Architect: T.Lindsay Gray 1949.
Nursery for Baxter Bros. as part of Dens Works.