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Pit(S) (Period Unassigned), Rig And Furrow (Medieval) - (Post Medieval), Roundhouse (Prehistoric), Unidentified Pottery (12th Century)
Site Name Inchture
Classification Pit(S) (Period Unassigned), Rig And Furrow (Medieval) - (Post Medieval), Roundhouse (Prehistoric), Unidentified Pottery (12th Century)
Alternative Name(s) A90 Interchange
Canmore ID 242630
Site Number NO22NE 76
NGR NO 276 284
NGR Description From NO 276 284 to NO 280 280
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Perth And Kinross
- Parish Inchture
- Former Region Tayside
- Former District Perth And Kinross
- Former County Perthshire
NO22NE 79 from NO 276 284 to 280 280
NO 276 284 to NO 280 280 A watching brief was undertaken during topsoil stripping operations for a roads development in April and May 2002 (see DES 2001, 78). This was conducted in nine separate areas close to an area of known cropmark sites and an excavated ring-groove structure. Vestigial remains of possible rig and furrow were observed in two areas (NO 276 284 and NO 279 290). No other significant archaeological features or deposits were discovered.
Report deposited in the NMRS.
Sponsor: Scottish Executive Development Department Trunk Roads Design and Construction Division.
S Mitchell 2002
Archaeological Evaluation (July 2001)
Evaluation: NO 276 285 (centre); excavation: NO 279 289 An archaeological evaluation involving the excavation of trial trenches was undertaken in July 2001. Altogether, 58 trial trenches with a
total area of 2420m2 were excavated and evaluated on either side of the A90 at Inchture in advance of major improvements to the two junctions. Trial trenching on the low-lying Carse clays (Evaluation Areas 1 and 2) which comprised the largest part of the area to be evaluated, located only numerous clay tile field drains and no archaeological features or deposits. Trial trenching on light gravels to the immediate N of Inchture on the N side of the A90 (Evaluation Area 3) revealed occasional pits and a small section of very shallow curvilinear slot. Further to the E, a very mixed, mottled subsoil revealed several features thought to be archaeological, but on investigation they were found to be of geological origin. Two larger areas were stripped of topsoil to examine features revealed during the evaluation. Area 1 measured approximately 85 x 18m while Area 2, located 15m to the E, measured approximately 40 x 16m. Within Area 1, 50% of a heavily truncated ring-groove slot, 13m in diameter, was revealed, as well as several large pits measuring up to 3m in diameter disclosed outwith and in the vicinity of the ring-groove. One large pit produced a large amount of burnt daub with impressions of roundwood assumed to be part of a wattle framework. No concentric post-holes were discovered within the interior of the ring-groove slot and it is thought that this was due to extreme truncation which left only slight traces of the slot itself in several sections. A sherd of c 12th-century White Gritty Ware was recovered from the fill of one shallow pit. In the NE corner of Area 1, a large shallow linear feature was found, measuring 7m long by 0.3m wide, with a shallow, flattish profile. Located around the northern end of this feature were several small possible stake-holes. A small pit located 3m to the W of the stake-holes produced a small sherd of as yet unidentified prehistoric pottery.
Report to be lodged with the NMRS.
Sponsor: Scottish Executive Development Department Trunk
Roads Design and Construction Division.
A Rees 2001