On-line Digital Images
SC 1259444
Records of Aerofilms Ltd, aerial photographers, Bristol, England
Linwood, general view, showing R and W Watson Ltd. Linwood Paper Mill and Bridge Street. Oblique aerial photograph taken facing north.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1259445
Records of Aerofilms Ltd, aerial photographers, Bristol, England
R and W Watson Ltd. Linwood Paper Mill, Napier Street, Linwood. Oblique aerial photograph taken facing east.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1259446
Records of Aerofilms Ltd, aerial photographers, Bristol, England
Linwood, general view, showing R and W Watson Ltd. Linwood Paper Mill and Bridge Street. Oblique aerial photograph taken facing east.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1259447
Records of Aerofilms Ltd, aerial photographers, Bristol, England
R and W Watson Ltd. Linwood Paper Mill, Napier Street, Linwood. Oblique aerial photograph taken facing north.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
HD W/24/1
Records of Houston and Dunlop, architects, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Additions and alterations for Messrs R and W Watson Limited.
Site plan, plans, sections and elevations of office blocks as existing and showing additions and alterations.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
HD W/24/2
Records of Houston and Dunlop, architects, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Additions and alterations for Messrs R and W Watson Limited.
Survey plans, plans and elevations showing proposed new office block.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
HD W/24/3
Records of Houston and Dunlop, architects, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Additions and alterations for Messrs R and W Watson Limited.
Site plans, plans, sections, elevations and details showing tinsmiths', joiners' and electrical shops.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
HD W/24/4
Records of Houston and Dunlop, architects, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Additions and alterations for Messrs R and W Watson Limited.
Site plans, plans, sections, elevations and details showing proposed ladies rest room, lavatories, weigh bridge, and canteen.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
HD W/24/5
Records of Houston and Dunlop, architects, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Additions and alterations for Messrs R and W Watson Limited.
Site plan, plans, sections, elevations and details showing new store.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
HD W/24/6
Records of Houston and Dunlop, architects, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Additions and alterations for Messrs R and W Watson Limited.
Sketch plans, sections, elevations and details showing proposed linson flat.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
HD W/24/7
Records of Houston and Dunlop, architects, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Additions and alterations for Messrs R and W Watson Limited.
Site plans including area of ground purchased from John Cameron Reid of the Reid Gear Company. Plans, sections, elevations and details showing proposed linson flat.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
HD W/24/8
Records of Houston and Dunlop, architects, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Additions and alterations for Messrs R and W Watson Limited.
Site plans, plans, sections, elevations and details showing proposed linson flat.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
HD W/24/9
Records of Houston and Dunlop, architects, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Additions and alterations for Messrs R and W Watson Limited.
Plans and details showing proposed linson flat including for foundations.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
HD W/24/10
Records of Houston and Dunlop, architects, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Additions and alterations for Messrs R and W Watson Limited.
Plans and details showing proposed linson flat including for laquer plant. Schedule table.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
HD W/24/11
Records of Houston and Dunlop, architects, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Additions and alterations for Messrs R and W Watson Limited.
Details showing proposed linson flat.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
HD W/24/12
Records of Houston and Dunlop, architects, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Additions and alterations for Messrs R and W Watson Limited.
Details showing proposed linson flat.
Batch Level