Bannockburn House, Gate Piers
Gate Pier(S) (17th Century)
Site Name Bannockburn House, Gate Piers
Classification Gate Pier(S) (17th Century)
Alternative Name(s) Bannockburn House Policies
Canmore ID 222018
Site Number NS88NW 1.02
NGR NS 80898 88976
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Stirling
- Parish St Ninians
- Former Region Central
- Former District Stirling
- Former County Stirlingshire
NS88NW 1.02 80898 88976
Trial Trench (10 July 2023)
An archaeological trial trench evaluation was undertaken on behalf of Bannockburn House Trust at Bannockburn House, Bannockburn, Stirling. The work was carried out on the 10th July 2023 in order to fulfil the requirements of planning permission for the creation of a car park as part of a larger development project at Bannockburn House (planning application ref: 23/00168/FUL). A total of 6 trenches were excavated which totaled 108 sq. m, approximately 5% of the area to be disturbed during construction of the car park. No significant archaeological remains or deposits were uncovered.