Pricing Change
New pricing for orders of material from this site will come into place shortly. Charges for supply of digital images, digitisation on demand, prints and licensing will be altered.
Old Montrose Steading
Farmstead (18th Century)
Site Name Old Montrose Steading
Classification Farmstead (18th Century)
Alternative Name(s) Old Montrose House; Old Montrose Estate
Canmore ID 219620
Site Number NO65NE 69.03
NGR NO 6703 5708
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Angus
- Parish Maryton
- Former Region Tayside
- Former District Angus
- Former County Angus
NO65NE 69.03 67027 57080
Archaeological Evaluation (14 May 2003 - 16 May 2003)
SUAT Ltd was invited to carry out an archaeological evaluation and building recording exercise of the steading complex and former workmens’ cottages at Old Montrose Farm, Maryton, Angus by Alca Design Limited, on behalf of their client, J C Fleming & Partners. This followed on from a Desk-Based Assessment (also carried out by SUAT), and was in advance of redevelopment of the site. The work was carried out by Ross White and Damian Hind between May 14th–16th 2003.
SUAT Ltd. 2003