Muck, Fang Mhor
Dun (Prehistoric)(Possible)
Site Name Muck, Fang Mhor
Classification Dun (Prehistoric)(Possible)
Canmore ID 21858
Site Number NM37NE 1
NGR NM 39629 78896
NGR Description from NM 39629 78905 to 39634 78887
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Small Isles
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Lochaber
- Former County Inverness-shire
NM37NE 1 from NM 39629 78905 to 39634 78887
(Location cited as NM 3958 7889). 'Situated on a small stack, measuring about 16.0m N to S by 7.5m, over a rubble wall up to 2.8m wide and 0.9m high on W and N with intermittent outer facing stones. On E, collapsed walling and occasional outer facings.'
D W Ross 1978.
Field Visit (16 May 2002)
A short length of wall is visible on a coastal promontory that projects into the sea at the SW corner of the island. Rather than cut across the neck of the promontory, the wall extends for a distance of about 20m from N to S along the rocky spine forming its axis, where it measures 3.5m in thickness and up to 1.3 in height. The promontory falls steeply away from the wall down to the shore on the W, and is precipitous into the sea on the S, but on the E side it descends in two small terraces above a cliff dropping to the sea. There is little evidence that the wall returned at the landward end of the promontory to form an enclosure, though a short stretch can be seen on the E side, to the N of the upper terrace. The only feature cutting across the landward, N, end of the promontory is a geological dyke. The date and function of the wall are uncertain.
(Muck02, 160)
Visited by RCAHMS (AGCH, SDB) 16 May 2002