Wick, Broadhaven, North Head
No Class (Event) (Period Unassigned)
Site Name Wick, Broadhaven, North Head
Classification No Class (Event) (Period Unassigned)
Canmore ID 215219
Site Number ND35SE 289
NGR ND 381 510
NGR Description ND c.381 510
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/site/215219
- Council Highland
- Parish Wick
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Caithness
- Former County Caithness
ND35SE 289 c.381 510
ND 381 510 (centre) An archaeological evaluation was carried out in August 2001 at Broadhaven, near Wick, in advance of the construction of a waste water treatment plant. The evaluation area measured 110 x 90m and was sited close to the shoreline. In total, ten trenches with a total area of 659m2 were excavated (6.5% of the total area). A clay subsoil and occasional stone soakaway drains were encountered. In addition, two (further) linear ditch features were discovered, probably comprising early drainage channels. No trace was found of the previously identified possible croft house, although it is possible that remains may survive elsewhere within the area, outwith the sampled sectors.
Report to be lodged with Highland SMR and the NMRS.
Sponsor: North of Scotland Water Authority.
A Rees 2001
ND 381 510 (centre) An archaeological watching brief was undertaken for a new waste water treatment works; this work follows a previous evaluation (DES 2001, 66).
Work revealed a number of field drains, a small pit with a sherd of redware pottery of 13th- to 15th-century date, the edge of a stone building, and a modern cut drainage ditch.
Full report deposited in Highland SMR and the NMRS.
Sponsor: Delta North for Scottish Water.
S Farrell 2002