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Sanday, Warsetter Steading, Threshing Machine

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Manuscripts MS 500/36/77 Records of the Scottish Industrial Archaeology Survey at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Sco Summary of manuscript contents, Warsetter Steading Drawings: Itemised site plan with item list (1:1250, A4, ink, sheet 1 of 29) based on OS map; Annotated steading ground plan (with dimensions, c. 1:400, A4, pencil on film, sheet 3 of 29, see sheets 1, 16-27); Itemised steading elevations (isometric views from NE and SE, excluding the threshing barn, 1:250, A4, pencil on film, sheet 4 of 29, see sheet 1, 16-27); Itemised steading elevations (isometric views from SW, 1:250, A4, pencil on film, sheet 5 of 29, see sheet 1, 16-27); Itemised steading elevations (isometric views from SE, 1:250, A4, pencil on film, sheet 6 of 29, see sheet 1, 16-27); Itemised and annotated threshing-barn machinery/layout (isometric view frm SW with threshing-drum speed calculation notes, 1:100, A4, pencil, sheet 7 of 29, see sheets 1, item 12; 8 to 11); Itemised threshing-machine details (isomteric view from SW, 1:100 and details of main support beams under the threshing machine, 1:50, A4, pencil on film, sheet 12 of 29; see sheets 3, 7); Rubbing of building detail (date on concrete cill of the window of the blacksmith's shop, window in E wall, A4, green 'wax' crayon, sheet 27 of 29, see sheet 1, item 22); Annotated fanner details (elevation with fan speed calculations and descriptive notes of fanner in threshing barn, 1:20, A4, pencil, sheet 29 of 29, see sheet 7, item 15) Other material: General notes and site-plan description (13 sheets, handwritten, sheets 2, 28, 16-26); Decsription of threshing-barn and engine-room items (4 sheets handwritten, sheets 8-11); Description of threshing-machine items (3 sheets, handwritten, sheets 13-15); OS map extracts 25-inch map Orkney (1879 & 1901 sheet LXXXI.14), OS 1:2500 (1972), Orkney Archives D8/N10, map of 1819, no further details; 2 sheets of correspondence regarding survey; Correspondence dated 1916 regarding ?fanner, dated 1941 regarding transfer of tenancy; Valuation list dated 23 November 1915 (4 sheets); Audit of crops (turnips etc.) 9/1985 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 2560/39 Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu Annotated draft text for Scottish Farm Buildings Survey, Area 2, Orkney. This includes site descriptions, extracts from documentary sources, and the analysis of the results of survey work. 38pp. 5/1997 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 2560/40 Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu Documentary research for the Scottish Farm Buildings Survey 2 Orkney (The parishes of Cross and Burness and Lady, the Isle of Sanday). With illustrations, plans and maps. 29pp. 6/1996 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 2560/371 Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu Text for Scottish Farm Buildings Survey, Area 2, Orkney. This includes site descriptions, extracts from documentary sources, and the analysis of the results of survey work. 12pp. 5/1997 Item Level
Manuscripts MS 2560/372 Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu Descriptive list for Scottish Farm Buildings Survey, Area 2, Orkney. 27pp 5/1997 Item Level