MS 500/36/77
Records of the Scottish Industrial Archaeology Survey at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Sco
Summary of manuscript contents, Warsetter Steading
Drawings: Itemised site plan with item list (1:1250, A4, ink, sheet 1 of 29) based on OS map; Annotated steading ground plan (with dimensions, c. 1:400, A4, pencil on film, sheet 3 of 29, see sheets 1, 16-27); Itemised steading elevations (isometric views from NE and SE, excluding the threshing barn, 1:250, A4, pencil on film, sheet 4 of 29, see sheet 1, 16-27); Itemised steading elevations (isometric views from SW, 1:250, A4, pencil on film, sheet 5 of 29, see sheet 1, 16-27); Itemised steading elevations (isometric views from SE, 1:250, A4, pencil on film, sheet 6 of 29, see sheet 1, 16-27); Itemised and annotated threshing-barn machinery/layout (isometric view frm SW with threshing-drum speed calculation notes, 1:100, A4, pencil, sheet 7 of 29, see sheets 1, item 12; 8 to 11); Itemised threshing-machine details (isomteric view from SW, 1:100 and details of main support beams under the threshing machine, 1:50, A4, pencil on film, sheet 12 of 29; see sheets 3, 7); Rubbing of building detail (date on concrete cill of the window of the blacksmith's shop, window in E wall, A4, green 'wax' crayon, sheet 27 of 29, see sheet 1, item 22); Annotated fanner details (elevation with fan speed calculations and descriptive notes of fanner in threshing barn, 1:20, A4, pencil, sheet 29 of 29, see sheet 7, item 15)
Other material: General notes and site-plan description (13 sheets, handwritten, sheets 2, 28, 16-26); Decsription of threshing-barn and engine-room items (4 sheets handwritten, sheets 8-11); Description of threshing-machine items (3 sheets, handwritten, sheets 13-15); OS map extracts 25-inch map Orkney (1879 & 1901 sheet LXXXI.14), OS 1:2500 (1972), Orkney Archives D8/N10, map of 1819, no further details; 2 sheets of correspondence regarding survey; Correspondence dated 1916 regarding ?fanner, dated 1941 regarding transfer of tenancy; Valuation list dated 23 November 1915 (4 sheets); Audit of crops (turnips etc.)
Item Level