Halleaths, Dryfeholm Camp, Base Camp No. 617
Prisoner Of War Camp (20th Century)
Site Name Halleaths, Dryfeholm Camp, Base Camp No. 617
Classification Prisoner Of War Camp (20th Century)
Alternative Name(s) South Lodge; Dryffeholme Camp
Canmore ID 174347
Site Number NY18SW 144
NGR NY 1015 8175
NGR Description Centred NY 1015 8175
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/site/174347
- Council Dumfries And Galloway
- Parish Lochmaben
- Former Region Dumfries And Galloway
- Former District Annandale And Eskdale
- Former County Dumfries-shire
NY18SW 144 centred 1015 8175
The camp falls partly on OS map sheet NY08SE
A hutted military camp is visible on oblique RAF WW II aerial photographs (RAF WWII air photograph, F309, 5056-57, 26 June 1941) in fields to the E of the estate of Halleath. Elements of the camp was situated within the immediate area of the former house of Halleath on map sheet NY08SE.
Information from RCAHMS (DE), December 2000
What was thought to be a military accommodation camp is in fact a German prisoner-of-war Base camp noted in R J C THomas, Project Report (Twentieth Century Military Recording Project, Prisoner-of-War Camps [1939-1948]), National Monuments Records Centre, English Heritage, July 2003. It is visible on postwar vertical air photographs (541[A] 397, 3130-3132, flown 20 May 1948), spread over an area to the S and SE of Halleaths House (NY08SE 81.00).
Visiible on the vertical air photographs are at least 150 huts of several types, but mainly Nissen, including the staff camp. The camp is widely spread from around Halleaths House (NY 0975 8230) to the abandoned railway at NY 1040 8140. The main concentration of huts were situated in fields to the N of the abndoned railway on which a factory has recently been built.
The camp was established before June 1941 as it is visible on RAF WW II images (see above).
It is not known whether elements of the camp survive, though the Ordnance Survey maps depict the former sewage works at NY 1015 8208.
Information from RCAHMS (DE), July 2005