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Fyvie, War Memorial
War Memorial (20th Century)
Site Name Fyvie, War Memorial
Classification War Memorial (20th Century)
Canmore ID 173637
Site Number NJ73NE 161
NGR NJ 7641 3787
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Aberdeenshire
- Parish Fyvie
- Former Region Grampian
- Former District Banff And Buchan
- Former County Aberdeenshire
Project (25 May 2022 - 5 October 2022)
NJ 71661 40179 to NJ 76327 37861 A historic environment desk study and associated walkover survey was prepared to provide historic environment advice in relation to the installation of a 33kV underground cable between Fyvie and Gordonstown in Aberdeenshire. A total of 33 possible heritage assets were identified within the 100m study area surrounding the proposed UG cable route.
Information from J Moorhouse – Mott MacDonald.
OASIS ID: mottmacd2-436933
Desk Based Assessment (May 2022)
NJ 76411 37876 The Fyvie war memorial stands beside the road on the southwest side of the village and commemorates the dead of World War I. It is of Balmoral granite in the form of a Celtic cross with interlacing decoration on the front, below which is a panel containing a downward pointing sword with a shield over it. On the back are panels with a scroll decoration. Below the cross is a squat, angled rectangular base of rough hewn granite, into which are set the names panels. This in turn stands on a one-step base. A subscription fund to erect a memorial was started in December 1918, and the memorial was unveiled 7 August 1921. It originally had solid blocks of stone at the lower levels which apparently had to be cut to move the memorial during a 1960s road realignment.
Information from J Moorhouse – Mott MacDonald.
OASIS ID: mottmacd2-436933
Field Visit (30 May 2022 - 31 May 2022)
NJ 76411 37876 War memorial located in the centre of Fyvie village, visible from the road into the village and from surrounidng fields and houses.
Information from J Moorhouse – Mott MacDonald.
OASIS ID: mottmacd2-436933