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Axehead (Stone)(Period Unassigned), Perforated Object (Stone)(Period Unassigned)
Site Name Auldearn
Classification Axehead (Stone)(Period Unassigned), Perforated Object (Stone)(Period Unassigned)
Canmore ID 15545
Site Number NH95NW 18
NGR NH 919 554
NGR Description NH c. 919 554
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Auldearn
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Nairn
- Former County Nairn
NH95NW 18 c. 919 554
A perforated oval pebble, 2 3/4 by 2 1/2 by 1 5/16 ins, from Auldearn (centred NH 919 554) was donated to the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland (NMAS) by Lady Binning, Tyninghame House, East Lothian. The hole is counter-sunk. (Accession no: AO 142)
Proc Soc Antiq Scot 1932
Also from Auldearn comes a Group XXIV stone axe, which is in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow (Accession no: B.1951.938).
P R Ritchie and J G Scott 1981.