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Wester Galcantray
Flanged Axehead (Bronze)(Period Unassigned), Hoard (Period Unassigned)(Possible), Socketed Axehead(S) (Bronze)(Period Unassigned)
Site Name Wester Galcantray
Classification Flanged Axehead (Bronze)(Period Unassigned), Hoard (Period Unassigned)(Possible), Socketed Axehead(S) (Bronze)(Period Unassigned)
Alternative Name(s) 'Auld Hoose'; 'the Taylor's Garden'
Canmore ID 15069
Site Number NH84NW 7
NGR NH 8041 4754
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Croy And Dalcross (Nairn)
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Nairn
- Former County Nairn
NH84NW 7 8041 4754.
One complete LBA looped and socketed bronze axe and part of another were found,together with a decorated flanged axe, in the Tailor's Garden at Wester Galcantray in 1887.
They were presented to the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland (NMAS), 1939-40, by A Keiller, having been formerly in the possession of Miss May Davidson of Clava and Cantray (DE 114, 115 and DC 128).
Coles (1962) does not consider the evidence sufficient to call this a LBA hoard.
Proc Soc Antiq Scot 1940; J M Coles 1962; I C Walker 1964.
The tailor's house at Wester Galcantray is situated at NH 8042 4753, and is now known as the 'Auld Hoose'. According to Mrs MacLennan (Roy Cottage, Croy, Inverness-shire), who lived there, these objects were found in the front garden, centred at NH 8041 4754, but she does not know the exact find-spot, the finder or the circumstances of the find.
Visited by OS (NKB) 13 August 1964.
(409. Long-flanged axe of Arreton type). Single find (?). Flanged axe, slightly corroded, green-black, butt and cutting edge notched, median bevel. Length 112mm, butt 19mm, cutting edge 67mm, weight 285 gms. NMAS DC 128. (Walker describes this axe as having been found together with the socketed axes nos. 1092 and 1711).
(1092. Socketed axe of Alford variant of Portree type). Hoard (?). Socketed axe, smooth green surface, trimmed, hammered blade (?), haft ribs inside, sharpened in modern times. Length 74mm, mouth 26 x 32mm, cutting edge 48mm, weight 215 gms. NMAS DE 114.
Possibly associated finds: a 'palstave' (probably no. 409), and an unclassified socketed axe of rectangular section (no. 1711). Coles does not accept these finds as associated but Walker argues for the axes having been found together in 'the Taylor's Garden' While the two socketed axes may belong together because of their similar patination, the early flanged axe is most likely not part of this association, its patination being different.
(1711. Unclassified socketed axe). Hoard (?). Socketed axe fragment, green and brittle surface. Length 71mm, weight 114 gms. NMAS DE 115.
P K Schmidt and C B Burgess 1981.