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Aberdeen, Union Terrace Gardens

Garden (19th Century)

Site Name Aberdeen, Union Terrace Gardens

Classification Garden (19th Century)

Canmore ID 146565

Site Number NJ90NW 188

NGR NJ 93816 06250

NGR Description Centred NJ 9380 0620

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Digital Images

Oblique aerial view centred on the churches, session house, school, museum, art gallery and gardens, taken from the SE.
Oblique aerial view centred on the churches, session house, school, museum, art gallery and gardens, taken from the SE.View of central path, taken from the south.View along railway to Union Street viaduct and railway tunnel, taken from the north.Re-erected arch, from house in Guestrow, now in Union Terrace Gardens, New Aberdeen. Initials are of Andrew Thomson and Agnes Divie.Edward VII statue at South. Detail of bronze sculpture on West side of plinthWilliam Wallace statue by W Grant Stevenson 1888 at North West corner. View from North EastView of gardens and ring road from South EastElevated view of gardens from West South WestView of pathway to North sectionView of pathway to North sectionView of North open section from South including decorative flowerbedsView from south of steps to Denburn Viaduct facing His Majesty's Theatre.View from Union Terrace looking north east across gardens.VIew from Union Terrace looking south east showing entrance into gardens and Burns statue.View from south east of arcaded pavement undercroft.Union Terrace Gardens, Aberdeen.View of window in ladies' toilets.View of steps to Union Terrace and arcaded pavement undercroft, taken from the east.View of steps on central path, taken from the north.View across Union Terrace Gardens towards His Majesty's Theatre showing steps and heraldic floral feature, taken from the south east.View along top terrace looking towards the steps up to street level on Denburn viaduct, taken from the south west.View of steps leading up to the top terrace in the north of the park, as taken from the south.General view across gardens, taken from the north west.Detail of South pathwayView of North  open section from SouthView of North open section from South including decorative flowerbedsView of North West pathway from NorthEdward VII statue by  A Drury 1914 at South. View from SouthAberdeen, Union Terrace Gardens, NJ90NW 188, Ordnance Survey index card, RectoView of ring road from South South EastView of West pathways from South South EastView of West central entrance from South EastView of West central entrance from South EastView of North  open section from SouthEdward VII statue by  A Drury 1914 at South. View from SouthView of sample cast-iron light on stone railings at Union Terrace.Detail of tiling in ladies' toilets, Union Terrace Gardens, AberdeenView of seating area at south end of the gardens, taken from the south east.View of steps to Union Terrace and Burns statue, taken from the east.View across Union Terrace Gardens towards His Majesty's Theatre showing steps, taken from the south east.View of ring road from South South EastElevated view of gardens from West South WestView of West pathways from South South EastView of North access steps and decorative flowerbeds from SouthWilliam Wallace statue by W Grant Stevenson 1888 at North West corner. View from East South EastView of gardens and ring road from South EastView of West pathways from South South EastDetail of South pathwayView of North access steps and decorative flowerbeds from SouthWilliam Wallace statue by W Grant Stevenson 1888 at North West corner. View from North EastView from Union Terrace looking north east across gardens.Detail of stained glass signage above ladies' toilets at south end of Union Terrace Gardens.View looking across oval lawn to floral heraldic feature, taken from the south east.View of seating area at south end of the garden, taken from the north.View of steps on central path looking up to 1891 steps and statue, taken from the north east.View of Triple Kirks from oval lawn in Union Terrace Gardens, taken from the south west.Detail of West central entrance stepsView of West central entrance from South EastView of North open section from South including decorative flowerbedsEdward VII statue by  A Drury 1914 at South. View from SouthView from Union Terrace street level looking north east across gardens to Triple Kirks and the Belmont Cinema.View from Union Terrace looking north east showing entrances into gardens and Burns statue.View from south east of arcaded pavement undercroft.View of cubicle in ladies' toilets.View looking up steps to Union Terrace, taken from the north west.View looking across oval lawn to floral heraldic feature, taken from the south east.View of steps on central path looking up to 1891 steps and statue, taken from the north east.View of steps leading up to the top terrace in the north of the park, as taken from the south.Edward VII statue by  A Drury 1914 at South. View from South EastRe-erected arch, from house in Guestrow, now in Union Terrace Gardens, New Aberdeen. Initials are of Andrew Thomson and Agnes Divie.Detail of West central entrance stepsView of North  open section from SouthEdward VII statue at South. Detail of bronze sculpture on East side of plinthAberdeen, Union Terrace Gentlemen's Public Toilets, interior view showing row of 23 stall urinalsView of drinking fountain under covered walkway.View of drinking fountain under covered walkway.View of south east corner of gardens, taken from the north west.View from south east looking along central path towards His Majesty's Theatre.View of Denburn Viaduct showing rail and road arches, taken from the south.View from halfway up steps to Wallace statue, Union Terrace Gardens and His Majesty's Theatre.Detail of steps at the north east end of the gardens.View of central seating areaGeneral view of gardens from NorthView of central seating areaView of North access steps and decorative flowerbeds from SouthGeneral view of gardens from NorthView of North West pathway from NorthView of wrought iron gates at the Union Terrace entrance into gardens.Interior view of ladies' toilets.View from south east looking along central path towards His Majesty's Theatre.View from south east looking along central path towards His Majesty's Theatre.View of arcarded pavement undercroft, steps to Union Terrace and Burns statue, taken from the east.View of  viaduct arch leading through to depot, taken from the south.Detail of Denburn viaduct pier.Detail of underside of Denburn viaduct vault.View along top terrace looking towards the steps up to street level on Denburn viaduct, taken from the south west.View of North  open section from SouthEdward VII statue at South. Detail of bronze sculpture on East side of plinthAberdeen, Union Terrace Gardens
General view from West.Detail of South entrance stepsEdward VII statue by  A Drury 1914 at South. View from South East

First 100 images shown. See the Collections panel (below) for a link to all digital images.

Administrative Areas

  • Council Aberdeen, City Of
  • Parish Aberdeen
  • Former Region Grampian
  • Former District City Of Aberdeen
  • Former County Aberdeenshire

Archaeology Notes

NJ90NW 188.00 centred 938 062

NJ90NW 188.01 centred NJ 938 062 archway, arcades and balustrades

NJ90NW 188.02 NJ 93912 06106 gentlemen's public toilets

Originally a public bleaching green. Planned 1867 and started 1868 by James Matthews.

NMRS, MS/712/83.


Watching Brief (2 October 2017)

NJ 93850 06200 (Canmore ID: 146565) A watching brief was carried out on 2 October 2017 in advance of proposed redevelopment work. The excavation of four test pits revealed no finds or features of archaeological significance.

Archive and report: NRHE

Funder: ESG

John Gooder – ACCESS Archaeological Condition Services

(Source: DES, Volume 18)


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