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Edinburgh, 34b Haddington Place, Botanic Cottage


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View from SE
View from S
General view from ENE
General view from NW
View from NNW
View from ESE
Interior. Ground floor. SW  room
General view from SE
View from SE
Interior. Ground floor. NE Curved wall. Detail
Interior. 1st floor. S Corner room.
Rear NW  face. W Corner opening. Detail
View from ENE
View from SE
Interior. 1st floor. W Corner room. Wallpaper fragment. Detail
View from NW
Interior. Ground floor. SW  room. Cill. Detail
Interior. 1st floor. E corner room
View from E
Ground plan and elevations
Interior. 1st floor. W Corner room. Site of fireplace.
View from ENE
NE Curved wall. Detail
Interior. Ground floor. SW  room