Gallow Hill
Ring Ditch (Prehistoric)
Site Name Gallow Hill
Classification Ring Ditch (Prehistoric)
Canmore ID 12779
Site Number NH55NE 8
NGR NH 5776 5632
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Urquhart And Logie Wester
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Ross And Cromarty
- Former County Ross And Cromarty
Field Visit (June 1979)
Gallow Hill NH 577 563 NH55NE
Air photography has revealed the crop-mark of a ring-ditch 240m S of Mulchaich farmhouse; it measures about 8m in diameter. Visible on RCAHMS AP flown 1976.
RCAHMS 1979, visited June 1979
Archaeological Evaluation (13 March 2008)
A watching brief was carried out on 13 March 2008 in three locations, NH 5748 5673 – Mulchaich Farm, NH5770
5630 – ring ditch S of Mulchaich Farm and NH 5766 5679 – Mulchaich chambered cairn and cup-marked stone. A mechanical excavator dug four linear trenches and two box trenches, covering over 10% of the development area. Topsoil in the trenches was hand excavated to reveal the subsoil. No archaeological deposits or features were recorded.
Archive: Highland Archaeology Services Ltd
Funder: Alan MacDonald
Brendan Malone (Highland Archaeology Services Ltd), 2008