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Wester Lovat Farm

Building (Period Unassigned)(Possible), Clearance Cairn (Period Unassigned), Site (Period Unassigned)(Possible)

Site Name Wester Lovat Farm

Classification Building (Period Unassigned)(Possible), Clearance Cairn (Period Unassigned), Site (Period Unassigned)(Possible)

Alternative Name(s) Donaldston

Canmore ID 116617

Site Number NH54NW 42

NGR NH 543 456

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
Canmore Disclaimer. © Copyright and database right 2024.

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Administrative Areas

  • Council Highland
  • Parish Kirkhill
  • Former Region Highland
  • Former District Inverness
  • Former County Inverness-shire

Archaeology Notes

NH54NW 42 543 456

NH 44/54 OS 543456 No. 10 Wester Lovat Farm.

Sunken area in field, 26 yards wide at the east end but wider at the west end at roadside. It is 56 yards long on the top and south side. It was the site of a cottage in 19th and early 20th Centuries and is now a stone dump. It appears to have been originally for some other purpose. The site is called Donaldston, a name which first appears not later than 1325.

Coghill 1989

NH 543 456 An archaeological desk-based assessment and watching brief were carried out by John Wood of Highland Archaeology Services Ltd in May to June 2006 for the construction of a water main. Following the initial desk-based assessment the water main was re-routed to avoid the area around Wardlaw churchyard, although a spur was put in to serve nearby houses. Excavations along the overall route were inspected where possible, but most of the new main was bored rather than laid in open cut trenches. The end of the water main at Wester Lovat farm was excavated as an open trench which could be examined, however. No archaeological finds or features were noted, and it seems clear that farm activity has been such over the last century that any remains of the former castle must be either destroyed or at least deeply buried beneath levelling materials.

Report lodged with Highland SMR and Library Service, and NMRS; archive will be deposited with RCAHMS.

Sponsor: Halcrow PLC.

John Wood, 2006.


Watching Brief (May 2006 - June 2006)

NH 543 456 An archaeological desk-based assessment and watching brief were carried out by John Wood of Highland Archaeology Services Ltd in May to June 2006 for the construction of a water main. Following the initial desk-based assessment the water main was re-routed to avoid the area around Wardlaw churchyard, although a spur was put in to serve nearby houses. Excavations along the overall route were inspected where possible, but most of the new main was bored rather than laid in open cut trenches. The end of the water main at Wester Lovat farm was excavated as an open trench which could be examined, however. No archaeological finds or features were noted, and it seems clear that farm activity has been such over the last century that any remains of the former castle must be either destroyed or at least deeply buried beneath levelling materials.

Report lodged with Highland SMR and Library Service, and NMRS; archive will be deposited with RCAHMS.

Sponsor: Halcrow PLC.

J Wood 2006


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