Prints and Drawings
SPE SCT/55/2/1
Records of Sir Basil Spence OM RA, architects, Canonbury Place, London, England
c. 1974
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
SGF 1970/4/1
Records of Spence, Glover and Ferguson, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, 142-144 Princes Street, The Royal Bank of Scotland Ltd.
Plans, sections and details of sub station and escape stairs. Survey drawings as traced from House of Fraser architects drawing.
c. 1972
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
SGF 1970/4/2
Records of Spence, Glover and Ferguson, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, 142-144 Princes Street, The Royal Bank of Scotland Ltd.
Details of windows and stonework cladding. Details of sub station and escape stairs.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
SGF 1970/4/3
Records of Spence, Glover and Ferguson, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, 142-144 Princes Street, The Royal Bank of Scotland Ltd.
Details of exterior stonework and roof finishes plan.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
SGF 1970/4/4
Records of Spence, Glover and Ferguson, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, 142-144 Princes Street, The Royal Bank of Scotland Ltd.
Details of external stonework and plans, sections and elevations showing internal stonework. Details of wall finishes on basement, ground and 1-3 floor plans.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
SGF 1970/4/5
Records of Spence, Glover and Ferguson, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, 142-144 Princes Street, The Royal Bank of Scotland Ltd.
Structural details, elevation and sections of internal stonework. Internal stonework details of lift and lift shaft, details of windows.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
SGF 1970/4/6
Records of Spence, Glover and Ferguson, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, 142-144 Princes Street, The Royal Bank of Scotland Ltd.
Details and layout of floor finishes in plant room, basement, ground and floors 1-3. Details of window and fire escape stair.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
SGF 1970/4/7
Records of Spence, Glover and Ferguson, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, 142-144 Princes Street, The Royal Bank of Scotland Ltd.
Details of ceilings in entrance lobby, basement, ground and 1-3 floors. Details of services, escape stairs and structural details.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
SGF 1970/4/8
Records of Spence, Glover and Ferguson, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, 142-144 Princes Street, The Royal Bank of Scotland Ltd.
Unistrut layout on basement, ground, first and second floors, structural details, details of ceilings and ladies powder room.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
SGF 1970/4/9
Records of Spence, Glover and Ferguson, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, 142-144 Princes Street, The Royal Bank of Scotland Ltd.
Existing South elevation, locations of light fittings on escape stairs and electrical layout in plantroom, ground, basement and floors 1-3.
c. 1977
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
SGF 1970/4/10
Records of Spence, Glover and Ferguson, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, 142-144 Princes Street, The Royal Bank of Scotland Ltd.
Details showing previous elevational changes, elevations and sections.
Insc: '8 Albyn Place Edinburgh Oct 1923'.
c. 1975
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
SGF 1970/4/11
Records of Spence, Glover and Ferguson, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, 142-144 Princes Street, The Royal Bank of Scotland Ltd.
Plans of basement, ground, floors 1-5 and roof, sections and elevations of 146 Princes Street.
Insc: 'J R McKay 4, Melville Street, Edinburgh Dec 1934'.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
Records of Sir Basil Spence OM RA, architects, Canonbury Place, London, England
All material relating to 142 - 143 Princes Street, Royal Bank of Scotland
c. 1974
Group Level