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Temporary Camp(S) (Roman)
Site Name Ravenswood
Classification Temporary Camp(S) (Roman)
Canmore ID 115533
Site Number NT53SE 142
NGR NT 578 341
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Scottish Borders, The
- Parish Melrose
- Former Region Borders
- Former District Ettrick And Lauderdale
- Former County Roxburghshire
NT53SE 142 578 341
A newly identified camp (by J K S St Joseph in 1991), E of the known complex and bisected by the A68 road, has an area of over 1.62ha (4 acres). In 1993, excavation revealed the single defensive ditch to be 0.83m deep on the W side and 1.44m deep on the S side; a fragment of pottery was recovered.
L J F Keppie 1994
Geophysical survey, by Bradford University, established the outlines of a camp of two phases measuring 140m by 225m (3.15ha), later reduced to 140m by 180m (2.5ha). Another linear feature (B on plan) could be part of a further camp, or an element in a field-system.
L J F Keppie 1996
Project (1995)
NT 578 341 Resistivity and magnetometer survey at Broomhill near Newstead revealed parts of two small marching camps, one of 140m by 180m, the other 140m by 225m. The SW side of these camps were already known from cropmarks and limited excavation, carried out in 1991 by the late Professor St Joseph. Another linear fracture may be part of a larger marching camp or an element of the field system known to have surrounded the Roman fort.
Sponsor: Trimontium Trust.
S Clarke 1995
Earth Resistance Survey (1995)
NT 578 341 Resistivity survey.
Sponsor: Trimontium Trust.
S Clarke 1995
Magnetometry (1995)
NT 578 341 Magnetometry survey.
Sponsor: Trimontium Trust.
S Clarke 1995
Publication Account (17 December 2011)
East of the fort and camps at Newstead lies a further two-phase camp, recorded through aerial and geophysical survey. St Joseph first recorded part of this camp in 1991 and put small trenches through its WSW and SSE sides (Keppie 1994: 261). However, given that he stated its size to be about 1.62ha it seems likely that he had identified elements of the smaller camp (II) which represents a reduction of the larger one (I), identified by Bradford University during geophysical survey as part of a project centred on the Newstead area (Keppie 1996a: 403–4). Camp I, the larger, measures 225m from ENE to WSW by 130m and enclosed 3.1ha (7.7 acres). This was reduced on its ENE side to 180m to enclose 2.5ha (6 acres). There is a possible entrance gap on the shared WSW side of the two camps, and a further linear cropmark from the Newstead complex (Newstead VI, see possible camps) runs through this entrance. Excavations on the ditch by St Joseph recorded that it was 0.83m deep on the west side and 1.44m deep on the south; a fragment of pottery was recorded but no more information was provided about this (Keppie 1994: 261). Another linear cropmark running obliquely through the eastern part of the camps may also relate to part of the ‘Great Camps’ complex to the west.
R H Jones.
Watching Brief (11 May 2016 - 15 June 2016)
NT 57876 34160 A watching brief was undertaken, 11 May – 15 June 2016, during excavations relating to the construction of a service track leading to a biomass boiler. The only features recorded were modern land drains, water pipes and electrical cables.
Archive: NRHE (intended)
Funder: Mr and Mrs D Sawrij
Kevin Paton – AOC Archaeology Group
(Source: DES, Volume 17)
Watching Brief
An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by AOC Archaeology Group
at Ravenswood House, Melrose. The works involved the excavation of a
service track related to the construction of a biomass boiler within the estate.
The work was undertaken between 9th May and 15 June, 2016, although AOC
Archaeology Group were not present on site before the 11th May 2016.
Modern land drains, water pipes and electrical cables were discovered during the excavations but no significant archaeological features or artefacts were revealed.
Information from SBC HER