Cottage(S) (Period Unassigned), Township (Period Unassigned)
Site Name Badinluchie
Classification Cottage(S) (Period Unassigned), Township (Period Unassigned)
Canmore ID 103339
Site Number NH26SE 12
NGR NH 2723 6049
NGR Description centred on NH 2723 6049
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Contin
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Ross And Cromarty
- Former County Ross And Cromarty
Field Visit (15 October 2014)
NH 27184 60449 A field visit was undertaken to Badinluchie on 15 October 2014 as part as part of an archaeological walk. The 1st Edition OS map of 1875 has two roofed buildings and two unroofed buildings, one large and one small enclosure here. The 2nd Edition OS map of 1903 has three roofed buildings with attached enclosures, one small building annotated
‘kennel’ and three larger enclosures at Badinluchie.
Today there are the remains of two buildings, still partly roofed and with attached byres and enclosures; these were built in 1878 (architect, Joass of Dingwall). No details were recorded of these buildings during this visit. The remains of two further buildings to the W and closer to the burn were
NH 27184 60449 (centred on) Building A Apart from the upstanding remains at the E end, this building is barely discernible. The building is aligned E–W, measures c16 x 7m overall and has two compartments. The main compartment measures c11 x 5m internally and is bisected by a deer fence; the outshot at the E end is c2 x 5m. The main compartment is defined by low turf and stone walls, at the E end the stone wall has a recessed fireplace with two upright slabs forming the sides. The part of the main compartment on the W side of the fence is overgrown, but the end wall here has foundations of large boulders and a stone face up to a height of 1m. Concrete slabs could be detected in the floor of this half of
the compartment. The E outshot of the building has more obvious remains with dry stone walling standing up to 0.8m high. To the S a short length of stone walling, 4m long x 0.7m high, may indicate an attached enclosure.
NH 27195 60412 (centred on) Building B is to the S of Building A and is defined only by occasional large stones; it measures c11 x 5m. An unroofed building is marked on the 1st Edition OS map of 1875 in this position.
Archive: NOSAS. Report: Highland HER
Meryl Marshall - NOSAS
(Source: DES)
A small township comprising two roofed buildings, each with an attached enclosure, and two unroofed buildings is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Ross-shire and Cromartyshire 1881, sheet lxxiii). One roofed and one unroofed building, three fields and some lengths of wall are shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1971).
Information from RCAHMS (SAH) 28 February 1996