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Unknown: Loch Nedd, Eddrachillis Bay, North Minch
Craft (20th Century)
Site Name Unknown: Loch Nedd, Eddrachillis Bay, North Minch
Classification Craft (20th Century)
Alternative Name(s) Rubh Dubhard
Canmore ID 101945
Site Number NC13SW 8002
NGR NC 1397 3204
Datum Datum not recorded
- Council Highland
- Parish Maritime - Highland
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Maritime
- Former County Not Applicable
NC13SW 8002 1397 3204
N58 14.2833 W5 10.15
NLO: Rubh' Dubhard [name: NB 133 337]
Eddrachillis Bay [name centred NB 133 365]
Loch Nedd [name centred NC 138 325].
Formerly entered as NC13SW 8454.
For (associated) wreck of the Bermuda, see NC13SW 8001.
See also NC13SW 8005 (Broch).
Possibly to be equated with NC13SW 8006 ('Barge') at cited location NC 1404 3203 [N58 14.28 W5 10.08].
(Classified as puffer).
G Ridley 1990.
Horizontal Datum = OGB
Circumstances of Loss Details
The vessel caught fire and grounded during salvage operations on wreck of BERMUDA close by.
Surveying Details
20 November 1974. The wreck shows [just] at low water and stands about 1.8 - 2.4 metres high on a very soft silt bottom. The vessel has sunk into the silt leaving the stem post, part of aft deck, odd ribs along both gunwhales and the bow post showing. The wreck is buoyed by local fishermen as it constitutes quite a menace to local and small boats using the loch as a holiday anchorage. The trawler sank sometime in 1936 according to locals. The hull is intact under the silt and appears to be made of wood. The length is approximately 27.4 metres.
Report by C J Asten, 14 November 1974.
24 December 1975. The site is reported to the remains of a timber built barge. It's position is 58 14 17N, 005 10 05W. It dries to reveal 1.5 metres . The approx length is 15 metres.
Report by H L Johnson.
23 November 1987. The wreck that was formerly obstructing the anchorage has been demolished, but a few bits may remain on the bottom.
Source: Clyde Cruising Club Sailing Directions Ardnamurchan to Cape Wrath and aerial photographs.
Hydrographic Office, 1995.
(No classification or cargo specified: date of loss cited as c. 1936). Unknown: this vessel was lost, possibly during salvage work on the Bermuda (NC13SW 8001). See Broch (NC13SW 8005)?
(Location of loss cited as N58 14.75 W5 10.33).
I G Whittaker 1998.
This vessel may also be classified as possible salvage vessel.
This loss may be equated with those entered as NC13SW 8003 and/or NC13SW 8005 (Broch).
Information from RCAHMS (RJCM), 3 September 2008.
Reference (2011)
Whittaker ID : 12028
Name : UNKNOWN 1936
Latitude : 581445
Longitude : 51020
Loss Year : 1936
Comment : Lost (on salvage work on BERMUDA ?) circa. 1936. See BROCH?