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General view of Royal Northern Infirmary and Tweedmouth Memorial Chapel
General view of Royal Northern Infirmary and Tweedmouth Memorial Chapel
General oblique aerial view of the town, centred on the hospital, chapel, suspension bridge and war memorial, taken from the ENE.
Interior. Detail of panel on North wall describing the gift of the chapel as a memorial  to Lord Tweedmouth by his widow in 1897
Interior. Detail of panel on North wall describing the gift of the chapel as a memorial  to Lord Tweedmouth by his widow in 1897
General view from South South East
View from East South East showing main entrance
View from East North East showing main entrance and link corridor
View from South West showing chapel and adjacent hospital block
Detail of South window showing tracery
Detail of East twin lancet windows
Detail of glazed link corridor
Detail of windows of link corridor
Interior. View of interior of link corridor from North looking into chapel with portrait bust
Interior. View of chapel from North looking towards the communion table showing the ornate wrought iron gates to the transepts
Interior. View of chapel from South looking towrads the entrance
Interior. Detail of rose window on North wall
Interior. Detail of panelled oak ceiling
Interior. Detail of panelled oak ceiling
Interior. View of chaplains vestry from East
Interior. Detail of chaplains desk and visitors book
Detail of visitors book
Interior. detail of part of chapel freize inscription
Aerial view of the Royal Northern Infirmary, Inverness, looking SE.