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Earth Resistance Survey

Date 26 October 2013

Event ID 994328

Category Recording

Type Earth Resistance Survey


NT 05020 59250 A ground resistance survey was carried out on 26 October 2013 on areas to the NE and NW of the Castle Greg Roman fortlet, where previous work (DES 2013, 182–3) had suggested the presence of a possible annexe. Two 20 x 20m grids and three partial grids running to the forest edge were surveyed. The results indicated that the spur from the outer ditch at the NE corner did continue, but veered off to the NE making it unlikely that there was an external defended area, although it is feasible that there could have been an annexe under the present forested area. A 3.8m wide area of higher resistance could be a trace of the road exiting the fort from the E gate towards the supposed line of the Roman Road to the N of the fortlet.

Archive: Forestry Commission Scotland, RCAHMS, West Lothian Council History Library and WoSAS (intended)

Funder: Historic Scotland, Forestry Commission Scotland and Edinburgh Archaeological Field Society

Ian Hawkins, Edinburgh Archaeological Field Society, 2013

(Source: DES)

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