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Diver Inspection
Date 26 October 2013 - 27 October 2013
Event ID 994268
Category Recording
Type Diver Inspection
HU 68847 71364 The Shetland Islands Council identified a need to widen and deepen the S entrance to the Out Skerries harbour, to allow it to be used at all states of the tide and in all weather conditions. The required work fell within the restricted area of the protected wreck site of the Kennemerland and a licensee was appointed, to meet Historic Scotland requirements, to oversee the agreed dredging methodology and archaeological mitigation.
The wreck site of the Kennemerland represents the remains of the earliest identifiable Dutch East Indiaman to be protected within UK waters. The character of the Kennemerland is known from extensive contemporary historical sources. It was involved in deep sea international trade to the Far East as part of the trading activity of the largest contemporary mercantile concern, the VOC. Elements of the archaeology found on site are internationally unique and represent some of the earliest examples of their kind to be found on a shipwreck, such as the golf club heads. Other less unique finds have the potential to provide information about trade links and commodities carried by vessel engaged in international trade and early navigation. The Kennemerland also represents a key site in the development of the academic study of Maritime Archaeology.
A desk-based assessment and preliminary diver survey (2011) of the seabed encompassing the proposed dredging area identified remaining archaeological potential at possible risk from the proposed rock removal works. Limited excavation and a metal detector survey of the possible impacted areas was seen as the best mitigation strategy prior to the dredging activities. The impacted areas have been identified as the areas on the seabed where rock might fall off the rock strata to be excavated onto the seabed below. The on site dredging operations and watching brief were carried out in June 2013 and a licensee’s report submitted. A post rock removal seabed survey was carried out on 26 and 27 October 2013 and a licensee’s report submitted on its findings.
Thanks are due to Philip Robertson of Historic Scotland and John Williamson of the Shetland Islands Council for their support. Ian Tait of Shetland Museum is acknowledged for his support and access to the museum’s files and Pieta Greaves of AOC for conservation advice.
Douglas M McElvogue, TrenDive, 2013
(Source: DES)