Watching Brief
Date June 2012
Event ID 993744
Category Recording
Type Watching Brief
ND 1315 5510 A watching brief was carried out in June 2012 in advance of the construction of a new house. The area was considered sensitive as the river valley contains a variety of archaeological sites, including two recorded brochs within 500m of the development site. Two distinct types of probably late 18th- to mid-19th-century land drains were recorded.
Phase 1 drains were carefully constructed stone-lined channels with capping stones, laid in a herringbone pattern, with the water flow being directed to the NE to the road side ditch. Phase 2 drains were narrower and less sophisticated, with slate pitched in to form a clear channel and a rough capstone across the top. These cut the Phase 1 drains and followed a parallel layout, the water flow being directed to the S into a ditch orthogonal to the roadside ditch. As these land drains were operational they were reinstated after investigation.
Archive: HAS. Report: Highland HER
Funder: Mr and Mrs G K Bell
Lynne McKeggie, Paul Humphreys, John Wood, Highland Archaeology Services, 2013
(Source: DES)