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Watching Brief

Date 5 September 2011 - 23 January 2012

Event ID 993275

Category Recording

Type Watching Brief


NT 9311 5580 The area between the barn and its surrounding wall is cobbled, with a square stone drain surround set towards its S side. The cobbled yard is prone to flooding and a watching brief was carried out on 5 September 2011 during the lifting of the drain surround to investigate the problem. The drain consisted of two low crude walls forming a stone floored channel which terminated in a rubble filled area. Only the S wall of this area was located. No direct dating evidence was recovered but an 18th- or 19th-century date would seem likely, making it contemporary with the present barn, although an older date and association with the earlier remains represented by the E wall of the barn is possible.

A second watching brief was carried out on 23 January 2012 during exploratory work on the drain, and the excavation of seven shallow trenches for post-pads inside the barn. The post-pads were recessed into the floor and provided support for timber pads, columns and beams required for stabilisation of the ceiling. Some signs of earlier floor surfaces were revealed, but the limited size of the trenches meant that little could be ascertained about the sequence or relationships between the features and deposits.

Archive: RCAHMS (intended)

Funder: Historic Scotland

David Murray, Kirkdale Archaeology, 2012

(Source: DES)

OASIS Id: kirkdale1-310860

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