Archaeological Evaluation
Date 17 September 2012 - 11 October 2012
Event ID 993016
Category Recording
Type Archaeological Evaluation
NN 8730 3753 Easter Turrerich, Glen Quaich An evaluation was undertaken 17–27 September and a watching brief 9–11 October 2012 at a post-medieval farmstead, named as Wester Kinloch on the 1st Edition OS map (1867), prior to construction of an access track. A series of hand excavated trial trenches uncovered a cobbled surface to the S of the farmstead, as well as a reasonably well preserved culvert. The remains of a dry stone boundary wall and two relatively modern clearance cairns were recorded to the E of the farmstead.
Archive: RCAHMS (intended)
Funder: Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc
Alastair Becket, Northlight Heritage