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Field Visit

Date 24 April 2010 - 1 May 2010

Event ID 990708

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This quarry, which is situated in rough peaty moorland 30m N of the Burn of Brecksie, measures about 30m from NE to SW by about 6m transversely, with a large spoil heap on its NW lip. Further quarries or test-pits, taking the form of narrow trenches up to about 15m in length and 1m in width, are situated immediately to its NW, NE, E and S respectively.

The large excavation is identified as a chromate quarry on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Shetland 1882, Sheet VIII) and it is likely that the narrow trenches were also excavated for the extraction of that mineral.

Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 24 April -1 May 2010.

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