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Field Visit
Date February 2005 - March 2005
Event ID 969085
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
This site has been extensively excavated, but without much record. The finds suggest that it was a wheelhouse overbuilt by later structures, of which the latest was a pre-Clearance sheiling. Viking Age pottery, and mediaeval pottery also indicate the probability of near continuous occupation. A site whose finds would repay further study.
A partially excavated structural complex is located above the coast on rough grazing land. Fragments of a at least four buildings are exposed, the most extensive of which is a wheelhouse of some 8m diameter. This appears to have been built on th esite of an earlier, curvilinear building, the walls of which are exposed in places beneath the level of the wheelhouse floor. A later subrectangular structure has been built against the south side of the wheelhouse, incorporating part of tis fabric. In the immediate hinterland there are numerous protruding stones, suggestive of further buried structures. The wheelhouse contains eight piers and is divided into central and peripheral floor areas. Its walls stand up to 1.8m high. The remains of a hearth lie at the centre. The site has not been consolidated and is slowly degrading.
Moore and Wilson 2005, 219