RCAHMS - GENERAL Recording Event
Date 25 June 2013 - 25 June 2013
Event ID 968815
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/event/968815
A single house, called Vatersay, on the north bank of the canal at Kytra Lock, is used as a holiday house. It is white, harled and has a slate roof; it is likely to date to a similar time as the houses opposite on the south bank (1913). The building is c.10m by c.5m with a central simple lean-to porch with dormer above. There is a small window to the left of the door, a large triple glazed window to the right and a small window in the N gable of the building. A lean-to room at the S end of the building has a double door and a small window. There is small garden surrounded by a simple wooden fence to the front and the rear of the building.
Visited by the Scottish Canals Recording Project (MM), 2013