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Watching Brief
Date June 2011 - September 2011
Event ID 966100
Category Recording
Type Watching Brief
NF 97000 91341 A watching brief was carried out as required during consolidation of the small roofless late medieval chapel on the Rubh’ an Teampaill headland, by Hebridean Building Conservation. The work undertaken June–September 2011 provided the opportunity for an examination of the exposed wall heads and gables. Evidence for the form of the roof was provided principally by the exposure of a well preserved rafter slot set into the edge of the western gable, and by a possible mid rafter setting on the S wall. Window fixings were recorded in the N and S wall openings, along with further details of secondary stone settings on the interior. It was demonstrated that the basal course of W wall of the chapel sits directly on the stonework of the Iron Age broch underlying it, except in the area of the broch doorway, where the chapel wall was built without foundation on the layers infilling the doorway.
Archive: RCAHMS (intended). Report: RCAHMS and CNES SMR
Funder: Heritage Lottery Fund and Historic Scotland
Carol M Knott, 2011