Watching Brief
Date 18 June 2012 - 24 October 2012
Event ID 961576
Category Recording
Type Watching Brief
The archaeological watching brief at Balhousie Castle was on groundworks for the new annexe and on the building work which impinged upon the historic fabric of the tower house. The watching brief was undertaken on various dates during the period July to October 2012. The watching brief revealed modern or 19th C garden features in the form of linear and circular cuts and field drains, cut into the natural clay. Parts of the tower house foundations at the SW and NW corners were recorded. Excavation outside and within the boiler room revealed 19th C stepped foundations and makeup and rubble below the concrete floor surface. Demolitions within the tower house revealed a sealed doorway and some re-used architectural stones within the north wall. The new annexe has now been completed and no further work is required within the tower house.
Information from Oasis (alderarc1-151848) 3 June 2013