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The Places of Worship in Scotland Project

Date 1992

Event ID 961391

Category Project

Type Project


The Places of Worship in Scotland Project is co-ordinated by Scottish Church Heritage Research. The Project aims to produce an illustrated Gazetteer for publication on the Web and in book form. Places of Worship range from early Christian sites, through small rural churches to cathedrals, synagogues, mosques, temples and meeting halls. Some of these date back to the earliest phase of Christianity in Scotland. Others are medieval ruins, some are from the post–reformation years, while a majority date from the period of population growth in the 19th Century.

The Gazetteer is being compiled by a team from the SCHR committee, a small staff and many volunteers. The purpose is to form a national record for use by local communities, schools, congregations, local societies, family historians and researchers, planners, tourist bodies and government departments. It will be a record of all the sites and buildings, rural and urban, used by communities of all faiths and which form part of the collective experience of the people of Scotland.

Information from the Places of Worship in Scotland Project

For more information, please see

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