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Date March 2012

Event ID 960477

Category Documentary Reference

Type Reference


Sitename : Unknown: Ore Bay, Scapa Flow, Orkney

Note : From MBES geophysical data - at NGR 331835 994049N, a low mound off Ore Bay c. 0.5 metres high that could be associated with anchorages or the salvaging of the German High Seas Fleet off Lyness. It is part of an area of similar sized mounds, c.59 by 37 metres in size, covering 1.2 kilometres between Hoy and Fara extending from offshore of Mill Bay to Ore Bay. High potential.

Source :

Aspect Survey,Lyness SeaZone TruDepth Points SeaZone in OSGB36 SeaZone Dataset 109871,SeaZone,2011

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