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Field Visit

Date 1997

Event ID 935327

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This battery is situated on a high ridge to the S of Hound Point near the track which runs through the Dalmeny Estate and N of the 'The Warrens'. The remains consist of two concrete gun emplacements with a magazine building to the rear. In addition, it is possible to see traces of hut bases, and a pile of brick rubble near the gun emplacements which may possibly be that of the observation post.

Work on this battery had commenced before the outbreak of World War One and when armed in 1914 consisted of two BL 6-inch Mk VII guns on CP Mk II mountings. These guns were then transferred to the battery at Leith Docks (NT27NE 162) under a revision of armament during 1915. The 6-inch guns were replaced in the Autumn of 1916 by two 12 pounder Quick Firing (QF) Naval 18cwt guns removed from Inchcolm (NT18SE 22.00). The guns were dismounted and returned to store in 1922.

J A Guy 1997; NMRS MS 810/5, 60-4; PRO WO 78/5173

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