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Field Visit
Date 22 June 2005
Event ID 933027
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
This ring-cairn lies in improved pasture on a broad terrace above and to the S of the Monandavan Burn. To the S and W where the ground rises, the area is colonised by silver birch and there is an extensive landscape of hut-circles, field-banks, hollow-ways and clearance cairns (Ogston 1931, Fig. 24). The cairn measures 14.5m in diameter by up to 0.4m in height and is probably flat-topped, the spreads of stones on the surface of the cairn being the result of later field-clearance. The inner court is visible as a shallow central hollow and measures 8.9m from ESE to WNW by 7.2m transversely, and is partly infilled with grass-grown stones. Twenty-five kerbstones are disposed around its perimeter, though there are large gaps on the NE and SW. The most continuous stretch of eleven stones is on the E arc, extending from the ENE round to the SE, where the kerb appears to be built in short straight segments. Some of the kerbstones are rounded boulders, others are much thinner slabs, and they generally increase in size towards the S. The growth of lichen and vegetation make it difficult to determine the colour of the stones, though both pink and grey granite are present. The halo of a plough scar encircles the cairn.
Visited by RCAHMS (ATW) 22 June 2005