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Field Visit
Date 9 March 2000
Event ID 925216
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NT71SE 36
Huntfold Hill
NT 79624 14721
This site was recorded as part of the Kale Water Survey project and is largely as described in the 1956 inventory on the date of visit. This multivallate fort occupies the summit of Huntfold Hill. Oval on plan, it measures 63m from NE to SW by 58m transversely. There are three inner ramparts, two of which are continuous whilst the third can only be traced around the NE side. Beyond the inner ramparts are two outer ramparts that enclose an area to the NE of the inner fort and are possibly from a later phase of construction. The SE half of the interior is occupied by a drystone sheepfold, much of the material for its construction having come from the stone and turf ramparts of the fort. Traces of at least four houses are visible within the interior, each comprising a stone and turf ring-bank up to 0.5m high and 1.8m thick, the largest of which measures 7.3m in overall diameter.
(KALE99 264-267, 354)
Visited by RCAHMS (PJD) 9 March 2000