Watching Brief
Date 31 July 2000
Event ID 920198
Category Recording
Type Watching Brief
Archaeological monitoring was carried out at the Maiden Stone, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire on the 31st of July while a minor excavation was undertaken by MCU with regard to the positioning of a new fence strainer post.
The site of the new post lay along the E side of the HS perimeter fence. It was noted that this area had recently been extensively pitted to take the posts for the new Aberdeenshire Council fence that had been positioned around the outside of the existing HS fence. It was also noted that local knowledge suggests that the Maiden Stone was originally positioned away from its present site which may have removed any hope of locating contemporary archaeological evidence.
The layers uncovered by this work seem to represent a normal field soil sequence. Top soil seals which in turn overlies undisturbed natural material. The absence of cuts or subsoil disturbances or even finds of any variety lends credence to the idea that this present setting for the Maiden Stone is indeed secondary.
Sponsor: Historic Scotland
D Stewart 2000
Kirkdale Archaeology