NTS Recording Event
Date 1 July 1995 - 1 July 1995
Event ID 918495
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/event/918495
Camban is noted in the 1841 census and there are 4 roofed buildings in this part of the settlement shown on the 1st edition OS map.
To the NW of the focus of five Camban buildings is an enclosure, also marked on the 1st edition OS map, defined by a dyke spread to c1m wide and c0.4m high. Another enclosure is just evident S of the path (not marked on the 1st edition OS map) with a dyke c0.8m wide and c0.2m high which has disappeared to the S.
There are short lengths of drystone dyke in the vicinity and a ?clearance cairn.
Information from NTS: WAFF001 (JH and JW) 9th October 1997
NTS Survey