St Ninian's Church
Date 24 May 2010
Event ID 915229
Category Management
Type Site Management
3-stage, 3-bay gothic church comprising central gabled nave; 5-stage, square-plan Tudor-detailed tower recessed to left; pitch-roofed bay recessed to right; rectangular-plan, gabled hall adjoining at rear. Harl-pointed random rubble sandstone; yellow sandstone ashlar dressings. Stepped plinth; architraved cill courses at 1st and 2nd stages (and 3rd stage to tower); architraved string courses; moulded eaves. Stugged quoins; stugged long and short surrounds to pointed-arched, polished openings; block stops to hoodmoulds; sandstone mullions; chamfered reveals; chamfered cills. Part-stained, leaded glazing throughout. Graded grey slate roof; raised stone skews; terracotta ridge tiling. Stepped apex stack to SW; circular cans.
Originally simply St Ninian's, this church also accommodates the congregations of St Bruoc's (destroyed by fire) and St Colmac's (derelict - see separate list entry). Combining elements of both gothic and Tudor, McGibbon here created an unusual, but nevertheless successful whole. Externally, the detailing is good - note the architraved hoodmoulds, circular cinquefoils, trefoil-headed openings, architraved string courses and octagonal finials surmounting the dominant tower. Internally, the church has retained much of the original, including its pews, panelled gallery, decorative balustraded stair and impressive pointed-arch arcaded aisles. (Historic Scotland)