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Field Visit

Date 2010

Event ID 881958

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This power station (1955) houses two turbines, and is the largest on the scheme, using water brought by buried pipeline and tunnel from Errochty Dam some 10 km to the northwest. The tailrace exits into Loch Tummel which goes on to provide water for both Clunie and Pitlochry stations further downstream. The turbines are recessed to be on a level with the incoming penstocks which are buried into the hillside behind, which forms part of the rear wall to the powerhouse. The front elevation and access deck are built on large concrete pilottis and oversail the tailrace. The design of the station echoes that of the other stations of a similar date on the scheme, notably that at Guar (see separate record). The station is a relatively early example of the change in emphasis in the design from the bold modernist forms of the pre 1943 schemes, notably at Galloway, to a design which melted into the landscape to a greater degree. The design of the station retains some of the bold features of the earlier modernist designs, such as the rectangular form, and large evenly spaced glazing pattern, but is constructed from coursed random rubble, clearly echoing the Scottish vernacular tradition. The modernist form of the building is more fully recognised to the interior, with a largely functional design making use of large concrete pilasters to support the travelling crane which is retained in situ. The station is prominently sited adjacent to the B8019 road and additional interest in gained from the front façade which is a dramatic composition with large glazed areas and the slender columns which allow the building to oversail the tail race. National Archives of Scotland (NAS), Ref: NSE North of Scotland Hydro Electric Board Collection (1943 -1990); NAS, Ref: NSE1 North of Scotland Hydro Electric Board Minutes (1943-1990); NAS, Ref NSE2 North of Scotland Hydro Electric Board Annual Reports (1943-1990); P L Payne, 1988; J Miller, 2002, 42: Siobhan MacConnachie, 2003; Scottish Hydro Electric, 2000, 18; J Gifford, 2007, 741

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