Laser Scanning
Date 2010
Event ID 880514
Category Recording
Type Laser Scanning
NH 98425 57665 Situated in the NTS Brodie Estate, Rodney’s Stone is a Class II Pictish symbol stone, probably carved in the 8th century. Along three corners runs the longest known Scottish ogham inscription, extending for over 3m. Reused as a recumbent grave marker in perhaps the 16th or 17th century, it was rediscovered in 1781 during the excavation of foundations for a new parish church in the village of Dyke. Having been erected in Dyke the following year, it was subsequently moved to its present position in the 1820s/30s. Deri Jones Associates undertook a 3-D laser scan of the entire stone, with further, higher resolution scans of the ogham text/s and of strategic areas to act as a baseline for condition monitoring between March–December 2010. Data processing by Archaeoptics Ltd is ongoing; it is hoped that the high resolution data will allow a more complete transcription of the ogham to be created, elucidating some of the more heavily eroded letters.
Archive: The National Trust Scotland and RCAHMS (intended)
Funder: The National Trust for Scotland, Historic Scotland,
Hunter Archaeological and Historical Trust