Archaeology Notes
Event ID 875696
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NG25NW 13 2280 5525
Boat-shaped stone house set amongst dykes of a field-system, 6m long by 3m wide. Door in N end.
Visited by M Wildgoose, August 1989.
This building may have formed part of the old township of Lovaig (see NG25SW 6, Skye, Claigan). It is situated on a gentle slope at 35m OD, amongst old lazy beds and clearance cairns, with a large rectangular field to its SE. The building is aligned NNE and is roughly boat shaped with the narrow (brow) end to the N and a squared end to S. It measures 6.4m x 2.3m at the widest (central) point, narrowing to 1.9m in the S (internal dimensions). There is an entrance in its N wall and a small outshot, c3.5m square, in the upslope (S) end. The dry-stone rubble walls are 1m thick and stand up to 1m high.