Archaeology Notes
Event ID 868324
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NS 9865 4665
NS 9865 4665 On 29 October – 7 November 2007 an evaluation was conducted on agricultural land to the NE of Carnwath, on a site where BHC Ltd proposes to extend its production line facility. The evaluation comprised the excavation by machine of evaluation trenches equivalent to 8% of the 6.35ha field which forms the southern part of the proposed development area; the northern part of the site has already been subject to ground reduction. A few field drains and other very shallow features considered of recent origin were revealed, but no significant archaeological remains were identified.
Archive: RCAHMS
Funder: Rural commercial
Richard Heawood - Abercorn Archaeology LLP
DES Vol 9, 2008