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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 866771

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NS28SE 336 centred 27388 80865

A large hutted military camp has been identified from RAF WW II vertical air photographs (NLA 44, frames 5.87-5.89, flown 27 August 1942), and is situated within Greenisland plantation in an area W of Rosneath Point.

The camp consists mainly of Nissen huts and is in three parts. One group centred at NS 27388 80865, now the site of a house annotated 'Green Isle' on the current OS digital maps, consists of at least thirty two huts, a second group of seventeen huts is immediately inland of Culwatty Bay (c.NS 2723 8103) with two further groups in the forestry plantation, one at c.NS 2714 8109 of at least twelve huts and another of eleven huts at c. NS 2679 8106.

The camp was probably associated with the Combined Operations training which took place in this area.

The most recent aerial photography for the area would suggest that any remains of this camp are now in dense undergrowth beneath mature trees.

Information from RCAHMS (DE), November 2009

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