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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 861943

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NT19SW 13.05 centred 13835 94821

Not to be confused with Blairadam Brick and Tile Works depcited on the OS 1st edtion at NT 120 935, see NT19SW 29.

Blairadam Brickworks was situated on the W side of Kelty, immediately W of the site of Blairadam Pit No.1.

The brickworks consisted of two kilns, one ten chamber round ended Hoffman continuous process and one Newcastle type. In addition, the works had three chimneys, one round and two square. Later, a second round ended Hoffman kiln was added, this being shown on the later OS 25-inch maps..

The brick works are depicted on the Revision edition OS 25-inch (Fifeshire, 1915) and subsequent editions (1938-1943).

The works were owned by the Fife Coal Company and operated between 1898 and 1947 when they were taken over by the National Coal Board. The works subsequently taken over in 1969 by the Scottish Brick Company and closed by them in 1977. All buildings were removed by 1979 and the site landscaped..

Blaes from the adjacent Blairadam Pit No.1 was used as raw material.

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