Architecture Notes
Event ID 857408
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Architecture Notes
ND27NW 5.03 20267 76808
OS (GIS) MasterMap, May 2010.
The 'fog siren' for Dunnet Head lighthouse is situated about 30m N of the lighthouse. It is a semi-circular stone building with the metal 'horn' on top. Entrance and other openings are on the S elevation. The structure now has radio and telecommunication equipment mounted on the roof.
Dunnet Head Lighthouse is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch (and 25-inch) map (Caithness, 1876, sheet 1) as four roofed buildings with three enclosures, a garden and a flagstaff. By the date of the 2nd edition of 1907 (ibid) a 'fog siren' had been added.
Information from RCAHMS (DE), December 2007.