Archaeology Notes
Event ID 850527
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NJ66SW 21.02 62365 63360
The operations block for Boyndie Airfield is situated at the E side of the main entrance track leading from the A98 road at a point where it reaches a t-junction of other tracks. It is depicted on the current OS 1:2500 digital map.
The building is built mainly of brick with concrete reinforcing and is mainly single storey with a raised central section, boiler room chimney and water tank tower.
Though the building was not examined in detail due to its location within a ploughed field, it would appear to be of design type 228/43 (post January 1943), which was different from previous type of operations block in having a boiler house in a brick annexe and interrogation complex connected via an air-lock and corridor.. One entrance has a brick blast wall.
The block is visible on vertical air photographs taken in 1946 (106G/Scot/UK 108, frames 3055-3057, flown 23 May 1946) and these show that there were two large Nissen huts, which have now been removed on the W side of the block.
Visited by RCAHMS (DE, NG), 27 February 2008